Sand Blastinfg machine manufacturer in india

 Sand blasting Machine or abrasive blasting is a process of cleaning, smoothening and finishing of any rough surface of metal, stone, granite, etc by throwing sand particles or media with high pressure to clean or smooth the surface. When the media is sprayed with high pressure gun, it removes the rust, paint or dirt to clean the surface. Sand blasting can also be used for stone engraving.

Types of blasting methods and medias - Their are four types of blastings methods used - vacuum blasting, sunction blasting, pressure blasting and weight blasting. For different types of things different methods and medias are used such as - glass beads media, sand particles media and different types of stone particles.

Advantages of sand blasting - Sand blasting reduces use of grinding machines which prevents workers from dust and harmful chemicals released from metals and stones as sand blasting machines uses a modernized blasting machines which has its own chamber for blasting process and workers can easily operate the spraying gun with gloves, standing outside the blasting machine.


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